Flying Afraid
Posted on 02 November 2015

I can't believe it's already been a week since we were in Adelaide! It was such a fun trip having a pop-up space at Beloved Conference. Speaker Maree deJong shared such a personal hope-filled message. I came away encouraged in my own life and circumstances. The main reason I was there, of course, was to share Honey & Gold with more women and it was such a blast! We should have taken more stock as we only came back with six prints! These ladies were keen to get God's word on their walls!
But, this verse from our Coral Sea memory verse pack is what I really want to share with you today. It is part of one of a pack because it has personal significance. When we moved our young family to Canada a few years back, the first part of that verse gave me hope that God had gone ahead of us and that he would provide for us, and for me specifically friends (a girls gotta have her friends right?!) It was such a promise I held on to particularly in those early months of upheaval and re-settling.
Then, as I was preparing for my trip to Adelaide last weekend and the date was getting closer and closer, I was getting more and more afraid of going. It is the first flight I've taken since my sister passed away and I was way more nervous than I would have been about flying in the past. It was this weird irrational fear that I might not see my husband and kids again (should I write them all letters? make sure I wear my good undies?)...yes...over the top and weird!! : )
However, as I was packing up stock to take with me, this verse jumped out at me again. Don't you love it when that happens? And instead of the first part of the verse, it was the last part that really resonated in this season. "He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged." Wheeeewww - breathe out.....God's got this! It was just what I needed to hear.
I kept this card in my book as a bookmark for the trip. I would glance at it often on the flight and be reminded that God was with me. And do you know what? It was actually all ok! Fancy that! : ) I knew deep down it would be, but it was so comforting to have God's work to hold on to.
I love how timeless God's word is to us and how it can just 'get us' at just the right time in just the right way. Perfect!
How is God's word giving you Hope this week?
I hope you have a great week, and remember you can always reply to this email and it comes straight to my inbox!
Much Love,
Jordan x