Light of the World
Posted on 20 September 2021

We don't have to look too far to see how 'dark' and broken our world feels right now. There's frustration, hopelessness and just an exhaustion that is over everyone. I'm sure you feel it.
And, I don't know about you, but I just want the world to be better. To be light and fun and bright again!
I don't pretend to have all the answers but recently, while preparing to speak at a women's event, this verse above just hit me again. Have a read again... “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John8:12) I hope it encourages you in your life right now.
We don't have to walk in darkness. We have the light of the world as our Saviour. We have his spirit within us. I was challenged all over again to bring that light to the world. To cut through the darkness of the world with Jesus' hope.
The hope that I have within me isn't just for me. It's not for my own comfort, even though Jesus does give me comfort, but, it is to bring Jesus' light to the world. It's to shine His light and love.
It is HIS love that will change things. My prayer for us tonight is:
“Lord help us remember it is YOU that is the light of the world. That we have your spirit within us giving us hope and joy. Help us overcome the darkness in our world with your light. Give us ideas to help those in our communities and lives. Give us comfort that we can pass on to others. May friends and family see your light within us and may they be drawn to you.” Amen.
Yes, it can feel dark, but the Jesus is the light of the world!
Be encouraged! Keep shining, keep finding the joy! :)
Much love,
Jordan xo
P.S. Why not share this message and verse with a friend who needs some encouragement to keep shining, this week! x
And, I don't know about you, but I just want the world to be better. To be light and fun and bright again!
I don't pretend to have all the answers but recently, while preparing to speak at a women's event, this verse above just hit me again. Have a read again... “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John8:12) I hope it encourages you in your life right now.
We don't have to walk in darkness. We have the light of the world as our Saviour. We have his spirit within us. I was challenged all over again to bring that light to the world. To cut through the darkness of the world with Jesus' hope.
The hope that I have within me isn't just for me. It's not for my own comfort, even though Jesus does give me comfort, but, it is to bring Jesus' light to the world. It's to shine His light and love.
It is HIS love that will change things. My prayer for us tonight is:
“Lord help us remember it is YOU that is the light of the world. That we have your spirit within us giving us hope and joy. Help us overcome the darkness in our world with your light. Give us ideas to help those in our communities and lives. Give us comfort that we can pass on to others. May friends and family see your light within us and may they be drawn to you.” Amen.
Yes, it can feel dark, but the Jesus is the light of the world!
Be encouraged! Keep shining, keep finding the joy! :)
Much love,
Jordan xo
P.S. Why not share this message and verse with a friend who needs some encouragement to keep shining, this week! x